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Faculty and Staff 奖


The Mary Norris Lunde Class of 1938 Award of Excellence is presented to a staff member making outstanding contributions to the education, 信仰, and well being of Academy students. The recipient is selected from criteria developed by the AHA Board of Trustees and the Lunde family. Each member of the Student Government individually nominates one staff member. The Lunde family reads the nominations and selects the winner.  

The winner of the Lunde奖 of Excellence this year is Gabrielle Meierhofer.

托马斯年代. 努南 was a lifetime educator who believed deeply in the important role that teachers play in shaping young people, and through them the future. He was very pleased with the education his son received while he was a student at the Academy. 

托马斯S. 努南 Instructional Achievement Award is presented each year to teachers in a core subject area who have made significant contributions to nurture student achievement, particularly during the current school year. 

The winner of the 努南 Award this year is Sarah Miles.

托马斯年代. 努南
Staffn 服务 Award

The AHA Community Association Staff 服务 and Dedication Award is given to a staff member who encompasses living out the AHA Way in their daily role at Holy Angels. This non-teaching staff member may have helped you/your family, or you may have witnessed this person assisting others in the AHA community. 

The staff award was given to Avi Ram and 冯氏阮. 

View Previous Faculty and Staff Award Winners